GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project came into play to increase SMEs performance and competitiveness, in all industries concerned by the use of subsurface for energy, in Europe and in target countries. Partners of the project want to offer their SME the opportunity to attend «training sessions» dedicated to those market countries that are Chile, Kenya, Canada and Costa Rica. Each “training session” will be followed by a «market visit» organised in the country.
The agenda of the Training Session will be as follows:
16:00 Overview of Geoenergy Europe project, Ana Luisa Lavado (Geological Survey Ireland)
16:15 Introduction to GEE Collaboration and network mapping tool, (CAPES)
16:30 Presentation of COSTA RICA Country Fiche, Christian Boissavy (GEODEEP)
– global structure of the energy market
– geothermal market (regulation and risk mitigation scheme if existing, market barriers, structure of the competition, key stakeholders)
17:00 Presentation of ICE (Costa Rica Institute for electricity)
17:15 Overview of Costa Rica Market Visit, Virginie Bloch (GEODEEP)
17:20 Roundtable with participants – Q&A Session