This webinar will explore the main regulations that should cement geothermal as the ‘go-to’ solution for key consumer markets.
The European Union has nearly completed the gargantuan feat of rewriting its entire suit of climate and energy legislation to meet the -55% greenhouse gas reduction target. Geothermal now has many favourable hooks that will drive markets and facilitate greater levels of deployment.
Sanjeev Kumar, Head of Policy at the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) will explore the main regulations that should cement geothermal as the ‘go-to’ solution for key consumer markets.
He will also outline the significance of the national plans to develop geothermal in Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland and Poland as well as the resolutions passed by the European Parliament and the Committee of Regions (which houses elected mayors and local authority leaders).
This should give the industry a new way to talk about geothermal. Learning this language is essential for the industry to become a mainstream solution.