The share of renewable energy used for heating and cooling in Croatia currently stands at 35%. There have been early success stories, from successful policy initiatives to cities taking measures to decarbonise heat supplies, but there is still a lot of work to be done. Croatia is highly dependent on natural gas, and so the recent geopolitical developments have major implications for the sector, with energy prices rising dramatically. The workshop explored ways to encourage innovation and facilitate market uptake of renewable heating and cooling technologies.
Moderation, Philippe Dumas (EGEC)
Introductory Remarks: RHC-ETIP: Activities, Javier Urchueguia
Panel Discussion
– Overview of the energy sector in Croatia: EIHP, Sanja Živković
– Planning from the City of Karlovac: ”District heating utilization of geothermal energy potential in the city of Karlovac“ Mr. Vlatko Kovačić, Geotermika d.o.o./ Hrvoje Klobučar Toplana Karlovac d.o.o.