Two days Geothermal Brussels events – 4th&5th February 2020


  • DATE OF THE EVENT: February 4-5, 2020
  • TIME:
  • LOCATION: Brussels

In Brussels, 4th and 5th of February took place the Two days Geothermal Brussels events with more than 60 participants from different European countries. The first days was dedicated to present the first results from the GEOENVI project, the final conclusions from the consortium awarded of the EC tender: “Study on Geothermal plants’ and applications’ emissions: overview and analysis”, conducted by the Ernst&Young, RINA and VITO, which aim at setting an adapted methodology for assessing environmental impacts and risks of geothermal projects. We remind all participants to send their remarks to the consortium by this Sunday 8th of February 2020.

The day-2 was dedicated to three sessions:

– The continuation of the GEOENVI seminar dealing with mitigation measures of environmental issues and environmental regulations. This session was accompanied by case studies presentation.

– the industry workshop of the SU-DG-IWG about defining deep geothermal reference plants & assets. Feel free to send your inputs and comments to EGEC at

– the last session was and ETIP-DG meeting aiming at selecting research priorities for Horizon Europe. The next targets of the IWG-DG were also discussed. You are able to send your comments and inputs by Friday 21/02/2020 Agenda of the event Presentations: *missing presentations to come soon


Tuesday 4th February :

Joint session: GEOENVI project and the final conclusions of the EC tender:

Wednesday 5th February :



GEOENVI national workshop for Belgium

A joint SU-DG-IWG & ETIP-DG event:

*missing presentations to come soon

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