Search results for: cooling down

Modelling of the heating and cooling sector in the Clean Energy Package

PUBLISHED: March 19, 2018

EGEC’s policy paper on the European Commission scenarios for the Clean Energy Package, updated version in March 2018 to include evolutions since the presentation of the European Commission proposal on 11/2016 as the Renewable Energy Directive is debated in Trialogue. (more…)


Joint Renewable Heating and Cooling industry position ahead of trialogue

PUBLISHED: March 19, 2018

As the "little Package", meaning the first half of the Clean Energy Package reaches the phase of negociations between the European Commission, European Parliament and European Council (commonly refered to as "trialogue"), the Renewable Heating and Cooling industry associations (AEBIOM, EGEC, Solar Heat Europe) issued a joint position. (more…)


Heating & Cooling: towards a fossil-free reality?

PUBLISHED: March 14, 2018

On May 22nd, join the EURACTIV event supported by European Copper Institute, AEBIOM, EGEC and Solar Heat Europe on heating and cooling. (more…)


The European Parliament’s ITRE Committee approves new measures to mainstream renewable energy in heating & cooling up to 2030 in landmark vote on the new RES Directive

PUBLISHED: November 28, 2017

Renewable Heating & Cooling associations welcome the ambition level and call on the Council to uphold it.  (more…)


Renewable Energy Directive: Factsheet on mainstreaming RES for heating and cooling

PUBLISHED: November 14, 2017

The associations representing the renewable heating and cooling sector (biomass, geothermal, solar thermal) jointly developed factsheets on key topics for RES-HC in the Renewable Energy Directive. (more…)


CoolingEU Sector Profiles: Geothermal Sector

PUBLISHED: September 26, 2017

Geothermal technologies can contribute to the challenge of decarbonising cooling for a variety of demand profiles, in terms of temperature, capacity, and timing. They can be used in buildings for the residential and non-residential sector, as well as in the services and industrial sector. (more…)


Increasing ambition for renewable heating and cooling: Is the current energy modelling enough?

PUBLISHED: May 31, 2017

Brussels, 31st May 2017 – The decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector is moving to the forefront of the debate on EU’s climate and energy ambitions, with several voices, most notably MEP José Blanco López, Rapporteur on the Renewable Energy Directive, asking for more investments in renewable heating and cooling to stay in line with the targets set by the Paris Agreement. But what c


Is Winter coming for renewables? Clean Energy Package: EU still supports fossil fuels for heating and cooling

PUBLISHED: November 30, 2016

EGEC - AEBIOM - EHPA - ESTIF Press release In the context of the worldwide paradigm shift in climate change, the EU has a unique opportunity to reposition itself as the world leader in climate action. Despite steps to increase the share of renewables in the heating sector, the Commission proposal does not remove the regulatory loopholes supporting new fossil fuel installations. (more…)


Decarbonising the heating and cooling sector: “Strategic Policy Priorities for Renewable Heating and Cooling in Europe”

PUBLISHED: November 23, 2016

The FROnT project is publishing today a paper with strategic policy recommendations to support the deployment of renewable heating and cooling technologies (RES-HC). It starts with analysing the main barriers that are currently hampering the deployment of renewable heating and cooling technologies and proposes a set of policy recommendations for EU, national and local policy-makers to overcome the


How to develop support schemes for Renewable Heating and Cooling

PUBLISHED: October 18, 2016

The FROnT manual of good practices provides guidance for policy makers establishing successful support schemes for renewable heating and cooling. It does so in order to help them effectively deliver competitive, affordable, and sustainable solutions for consumers and at the national level. (more…)

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