Financing, Research, Innovation & Development
Horizon Europe
View EGEC's answers to the Horizon Europe questionaire
Financing, Research, Innovation & Development
The Innovation Fund is a European Financing programme that stems from the EU ETS, which aims to invest part of the revenues from the European carbon trading scheme to the development of innovative clean energy technologies.
EU Climate and energy framework, Financing, Research, Innovation & Development
State Aid
The State Aid Guidelines on Energy and the Environment were initially release to adapt the rules on public support for the energy sector from a competition law perspective to reflect notably the framework of the 2020 EU Climate and Energy objectives. The purpose of this review is to put the State Aid framework in line with the 2030 Clean Energy for All European package, and reflect the changing market dynamics in the energy sector.
EU Climate and energy framework, Research, Innovation & Development
European Green Deal
The European Commission launched a consultation on its long term strategy on greenhouse gas emissions reduction at the begining of the summer. The consultation closed on October 9. Below is EGEC's contribution to the consultation, highlighting the role of geothermal for a succesful decarbonisation of the European economy.
EU Climate and energy framework, Research, Innovation & Development
Geothermal electricity
Member States and the European Parliament are negociating the rules that will govern the electricity system after 2020. At stake: setting a framework that allows a functioning market to be increasingly based on renewable generation.
Financing, Research, Innovation & Development
Renewable Energy Directive
The European Union is starting discussion on its next Multiannual Financial Framework, which governs how EU funding is allocated for the 6-years period after 2020.
EU Climate and energy framework, Research, Innovation & Development
Letter AT Presidency_RESAssociations representing the renewable energy industries, including EGEC on behalf of the geothermal sector, co-signed a letter to the Austrian government, next in line to take up the mantle of the presidency of the European Council.
Research, Innovation & Development
A group of organisations active in the development of Renewable energy have released a statement detailing how the NER300 is an invaluable tool in ensuring the commercial roll-out of innovate technologies, in bridging the gap between R6D funding and revenue support instruments for innovative renewable technologies
Research, Innovation & Development
This fact sheet illustrates how geothermal electricity can be crucial to the stabilisation of the grid, being both baseload and flexible.
Research, Innovation & Development
This fact sheet presents the stimulation process to engineer geothermal reservoir (often mistaken for fracking as used in shale gas production). The document presents the key differences between the resources needed, and the different consequences of the processes used for Enhanced Geothermal Systems and for shale gas.