Energy Efficiency



EU Climate and energy framework

2030 targets, Energy Efficiency, European Green Deal

EGEC response to the call for feedback on Data centres in Europe – reporting scheme

PUBLISHED: December 21, 2023

On 20 December, EGEC commented on the Commission draft Delegated Act that sets out a reporting scheme to rate the sustainability of data centres in the EU. The Delegated Act stems from the recast Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU), which introduces a requirement to report on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres. 



Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, Energy price crisis

EGEC Action Plan: Eight point plan to REpowerEU with Geothermal

PUBLISHED: March 14, 2022

EGEC has published an action Plan for implementing geothermal in Europe and as a support for the European Institutions to implement the REpowerEU and face the energy crises. Eight actions to allow geothermal to REpowerEU. Geothermal heating, cooling and power has already saved 10 bcm of gas and other fossil energy imports from Russia.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, EPBD, European Green Deal, Renewable Energy Directive

Energy Efficiency Directive 2022 recast - EGEC Position Paper

PUBLISHED: February 3, 2022

Geothermal heating, cooling, permanent electricity supply, underground thermal storage and sustainable lithium extraction are critical contributors to energy efficiency improvements and the achievement of the EU’s 2030 and 2050 targets for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation.



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, Energy infrastructures, Energy price crisis, EPBD

Joint Letter: Energy efficient, renewables-based and flexible buildings integrated in the energy system: the key features of a revised EPBD supporting climate neutrality

PUBLISHED: October 28, 2021

The EPBD revision should apply the Energy Efficiency First (EE1st) principle in a way that stimulates integrated renovations aiming at highly energy efficient, renewable-based and flexible buildings integrated in the increasingly variable energy system. The entire building stock should become capable of adjusting their very low energy consumption, their on-site renewable generation and their energy storage potential in response to external signals. This holistic approachto the implementation of the EE1st principle leads to multiple benefits such as emissions reductions, grid optimisation and system efficiency. It also delivers tangible benefits to citizens, including the most vulnerable ones, strengthens the EU’s clean energy industrial leadership, boosts local job creation and economic recovery.   Download the full joint letter



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency

EGEC public consultation response - Energy Efficiency Directive

PUBLISHED: February 11, 2021

This consultation aims to collect views and suggestions from stakeholders and citizens on the review and the revision of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency (Energy Efficiency Directive or EED), as partially amended in 2018 (Directive (EU) 2018/2002), foreseen by June 2021[1].



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency

EGEC Response to the public consultation on the review of EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED)

PUBLISHED: September 24, 2020

EGEC welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the consultation process on the revision of the Energy Efficiency Directive. The targets need to be reviewed upward to at least -55% GHG by 2030, with a consistent reassessment of energy efficiency and renewable energy targets. More details here



EU Climate and energy framework

Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Directive

Renewable, Energy Efficiency and Governance Directives voted by the European Parliament allow development of geothermal energy beyond 2020

PUBLISHED: November 13, 2018

Brussels, 13 November 2018 - EGEC welcomes the adoption of the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Governance Regulation by the European Parliament today. The new legislations will be the basis for the European climate and energy regulatory framework after 2020. 

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