Energy Transition
European Green Deal
A coalition of 19 organisations, including industry associations, NGOs, consumer groups, and think tanks issued an urgent call to European Commission President von der Leyen. The unexpected delay in publishing the Heat Pump Action Plan, originally set for the first quarter of 2024 and now postponed until after the EU elections, threatens Europe’s energy transition, they warn.
EU Climate and energy framework
2030 targets, Energy Efficiency, European Green Deal
On 20 December, EGEC commented on the Commission draft Delegated Act that sets out a reporting scheme to rate the sustainability of data centres in the EU. The Delegated Act stems from the recast Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/EU), which introduces a requirement to report on the energy performance and sustainability of data centres.
EU Climate and energy framework, EU State Aid Control
European Green Deal, State Aid
The Commission is consulting Member States on proposal for a Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework with a reform of the State Aid rules. Here are the proposals for geothermal.
Energy Transition, Environmental legislation, EU Climate and energy framework
European Green Deal
EGEC views on the EU Critical Raw Materials Act EGEC, the voice of the European geothermal industry, is a not-for-profit association representing the entire value-chain of the industry across 28 countries. It is included on the European Transparency Register number: 11458103335-07. Further information can be found at
EU Climate and energy framework
2030 targets, Energy price crisis, European Green Deal, Renewable Energy Directive
Geothermal heating, cooling, permanent electricity supply, underground thermal storage, and sustainable lithium extraction are critical solutions to meeting the EU’s 2030 and 2050 targets to avert the climate crisis.
EU Climate and energy framework
Energy Efficiency, EPBD, European Green Deal, Renewable Energy Directive
Geothermal heating, cooling, permanent electricity supply, underground thermal storage and sustainable lithium extraction are critical contributors to energy efficiency improvements and the achievement of the EU’s 2030 and 2050 targets for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation.
EU Climate and energy framework
Energy price crisis, EPBD, European Green Deal, Internal market for heat
Brussels, 15 December 2021 – Today the European Commission has released its proposals for establishing a new EU framework to decarbonise gas markets, promote hydrogen and reduce methane emissions.
EU Climate and energy framework, Financing
Energy infrastructures, Energy price crisis, European Green Deal
Brussels 26 October: Reacting to the conclusions of the extraordinary Energy Council, the heads of 7 renewable energy associations call upon Europe to prioritise the diversification of renewable energy supply as a matter of urgency. A wider range of renewables will deliver a cleaner energy system that protects citizens and businesses from future energy shocks. To deliver on this 100% renewables future, action is needed now: • The revised Renewables Directive needs a sub-target to incentivise national governments to roll out innovative and diverse renewable sources by 2030; • The 2022-23 Horizon Europe Work Programme should prioritise diverse renewable energy technologies with the greatest potential for innovation and scale-up; • The European Commission needs to start modelling how a system of diverse renewables will operate, and to inform policy-making with these findings. Download the full PR text
EU Climate and energy framework
European Green Deal
The Methane Emission Regulation is the first step in creating a level-playing field that removes the anti-competitive privileges enjoyed by fossil fuel providers.
Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework
European Green Deal
One of the key issues of the current debate on the next European Commission regards the priorities that should shape its action over the next five years, the matter of ambition for the energy transition is at the foreground.