EGEC's overall position on the Call for Evidence on the Governance Regulation is one of strong support for ambitious and outcome-focused measures to accelerate the deployment of geothermal energy and other renewables in Europe.
EGEC fully supports the implementation of the Polluter Pays Principle in both EU and national legislation.
Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework
EGEC welcomes the call for evidence on the 2040 climate targets as it provides regulatory certainty for the geothermal sector to adjust to climate neutrality as well as ensuring the need for effective regulatory support to replace fossil fuel consumption in buildings, transport, agriculture and electricity generation.
Energy Transition
EGEC welcomes the European Commission’s proposals for a Critical Raw Materials Act and the Net Zero Industry Act. It is vital to strengthen existing European industrial value-chains for geothermal energy to meet the rapid demand driven by consumers and EU policy.
Brussels, 14th March 2023 – EGEC welcomes the European Commission's proposal on Electricity Market Design (EMD) and more specifically the support brought to geothermal electricity.
2030 targets
Key new measures for Geothermal include:
EU Climate and energy framework
“Renewable go-to areas“ to be included in the RES Directive revision
EU Climate and energy framework, EU State Aid Control
European Green Deal, State Aid
The Commission is consulting Member States on proposal for a Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework with a reform of the State Aid rules. Here are the proposals for geothermal.
Energy Transition, Environmental legislation, EU Climate and energy framework
European Green Deal
EGEC views on the EU Critical Raw Materials Act EGEC, the voice of the European geothermal industry, is a not-for-profit association representing the entire value-chain of the industry across 28 countries. It is included on the European Transparency Register number: 11458103335-07. Further information can be found at
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) Joint Call 2022 was launched on the 14th September and will remain open to pre-proposals submissions until 23 November 2022, 14:00 CET.