EU Climate and energy framework
EGEC released a policy paper outlining an industrial strategy for a sustainable geothermal lithium battery value chain in Europe.
EU Climate and energy framework
Internal market for heat, Recovery Plans
Today EGEC sent a letter to Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President for the Green Deal, and Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, pointing out three key steps to guide a green recovery from the COVID 19 crisis. Download the letter
EU Climate and energy framework
Energy infrastructures
EGEC welcomes the public consultation on the network codes and the opportunity to provide its perspective on the priorities that should be considered for the good operation of the electricity network with a higher share of renewables.
EU Climate and energy framework
Renovation Wave
Read the EGEC response to the consultation on The role of mandatory minimum requirements and their potential impact on increasing the rate of energy retrofits in the EU.
EU Climate and energy framework
2030 targets
EGEC, the voice of the European geothermal industry, welcomes the opportunity to respond to the consultation on the Climate Law. Download it here
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has declared its ambition to become the EU’s first Climate Bank. It will restructure its financial services for climate and environmental projects and will align all its financial operations in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
Sustainable finance
Inception Impact Assessment on a Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation.
EU Climate and energy framework
Energy infrastructures, Internal market for heat
EGEC outlined the key foundations for an effective Smart Sector Integration plan to accelerate energy transition and decarbonisation.
Research, Innovation & Development
Horizon Europe
In April 2020 the European Commission has launched an online public consultation process (questionnaire) that aims to outline the first Multiannual Work Programme of LIFE covering the period 2021-2024.
Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework
Internal market for heat
EGEC, the voice of the European geothermal industry, calls on the European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen to create a European internal market for heat in an open letter published today on EGEC’s website.