Sustainable finance
As the European Commission prepares criteria for supplementary Delegated Act in Autumn, NGOs outline how including gas in the Taxonomy would turn it into a greenwashing tool, completely undermining its credibility and sending a disastrous global signal.
Sustainable finance
EGEC’s contribution is focused on three main priorities:
State Aid
As the State Aid Guidelines review is ongoing, the European Commission engaged a consultation of stakeholders to collect inputs on a first version of the revised guidelines.
Environmental legislation
Licensing and EIA
EGEC invites all geothermal stakeholders to take part in the two consultations below on EIA and licensing.
EU Climate and energy framework
Renewable Energy Directive
EGEC, together with other 9 environmental NGOs, cities and renewable associations called on Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Energy Commissioner Simson to increase target for renewable energy in the Renewable Energy Directive. Read the joint letter on renewable energy target here
Energy Transition, EU Climate and energy framework, EU State Aid Control, Financing
Renewable Energy Directive, State Aid
Today EGEC sent a letter to the European Commission Executive Vice President on the European Green Deal, the Executive Vice President for A Europe Fit for the Digital Age and the Commissioner on Energy. This letter was asking for the implementation of a fair framework for State Aid, that allow European Member States to support the development of innovative technologies and the market uptake of geothermal energy, notably in the heating and cooling sector.
EU Climate and energy framework
Renewable Energy Directive
EGEC, together with other 16 energy and renewable companies and organisations, asked Executive Vice-President Timmermans and Energy Commissioner Simson to establish an EU-wide renewable risk mitigation scheme.
EU Climate and energy framework
Renewable Energy Directive
EGEC Goethermal and 8 other associations signed a joint position on innovative technologies in the RED III. The Commission’s assessment of the 27 National Energy & Climate Plans is stark – Member States are currently not harnessing R&I to deliver on their climate and energy objectives.
EU Climate and energy framework
Innovation Fund
EGEC contributed to the public consultation on the proposed changes to the Innovation Fund application procedure for large-scale projects.
EU Climate and energy framework
Renewable Energy Directive
EGEC Geothermal together with the 8 other associations addressed the European Commission in a joint letter and called for including in the revised Renewable Energy Directive: