PUBLISHED: 11/28/2017
Geothermal sector supports MEP Blanco Lopez report on the Renewable Energy Directive adopted today and welcomes the high ambition on energy efficiency.
PUBLISHED: 11/28/2017
Brussels, 28 November 2017 – One year ago, the European Commission presented the Clean Energy for All Europeans legislative package, but it’s headline target of 27% renewable energy by 2030 fell short of its ambitions.
PUBLISHED: 11/28/2017
Renewable Heating & Cooling associations welcome the ambition level and call on the Council to uphold it.
PUBLISHED: 11/13/2017
Brussels, 9th of November 2017 – The trade associations representing key players in Europe’s energy transition urge policy makers to take a step-wise approach towards the market integration of small-scale renewable and high efficiency cogeneration installations.
PUBLISHED: 05/31/2017
Brussels, 31st May 2017 – The decarbonisation of the heating and cooling sector is moving to the forefront of the debate on EU’s climate and energy ambitions, with several voices, most notably MEP José Blanco López, Rapporteur on the Renewable Energy Directive, asking for more investments in renewable heating and cooling to stay in line with the targets set by the Paris Agreement. But what can be done to transform the ambition in practical goals?
PUBLISHED: 05/16/2017
Brussels, 16th May 2017 – EGEC, the European Geothermal Energy Council, has published the sixth edition of its annual study evaluating the development of the geothermal sector in Europe. The report shows that over the last five years (2012-2016), the use of geothermal energy, particularly for heat, has slowly but steadily increased across Europe.
PUBLISHED: 05/11/2017
Brussels, 11th May 2017 - EGEC has undergone a complete update of its visual identity and today unveiled its new logo and website.
PUBLISHED: 02/15/2017
Offenburg, 15th February 2017 - enOware GmbH received the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2017 during the opening session of GeoTHERM exhibition and Congress 2017 in Offenburg, Germany. The award was given for their miniaturised sensor which allows to professionally plan, monitor and measure near-surface geothermal probes.
PUBLISHED: 02/25/2016
Offenburg, 25th February 2016 - Exergy was announced today as the winner of the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2016 during the opening session of GeoTHERM exhibition and Congress in Offenbourg, Germany. The award was given for the 2-pressure-level cycle on a single-disk turbine demonstrated in Denizli Tosunlar geothermal plant, Turkey.