Search results for: cooling down

What Europeans think about the energy systems they use. New research on Consumer behaviour published

PUBLISHED: June 29, 2016

Download the full European and National reports The behaviours and attitudes of European consumers towards the heating, cooling, and hot water systems they use have been analysed in a study of more than 5500 participants representing private households, tertiary buildings, and industry. The study examined why current systems are used, where users get information about thermal energy, why they ch


European Renewable energy industries’ joint position on the Preparatory Work for the Renewable Energy Directive

PUBLISHED: May 11, 2016

EGEC, together with twelve other renewable energy associations, believe that, in order to maintain global leadership in renewables, "Europe should now make a firm and resolute commitment to a flourishing and vibrant domestic renewable energy market. This is why we call on the European Commission to model an appropriate range of policy scenarios this year, which should include renewable energy targ


EGEC Geothermal Market Report 2015

PUBLISHED: April 12, 2016

The use of geothermal energy, particularly for heat, is slowly but steadily increasing across Europe. Analysing the development of both the electricity and the heat sectors until December 2015, the 5th edition of the EGEC market report shows growth in all areas, but notes that the potential is far from met. Higher ambitions are needed if Europe is to fully benefit from this energy source. (mor


EGEC joins business’ call for more ambitious energy and climate policy

PUBLISHED: March 4, 2016

Following the COP 21 Paris Agreement, more than seventy companies and industry associations are urging the EU to strengthen its strategy towards a low-carbon economy. In view of the forthcoming discussions between Member States over the implication of the new international treaty for the EU, EGEC has joined the call from the business community asking for more ambitious EU binding targets and meas


A Smart and Resilient Energy Union: Objectives and Measures for the Heat Sector

PUBLISHED: June 8, 2015

The EU Strategy for Heating and Cooling is the result of the increasingly positive attention policy-makers have been giving the Heating and Cooling (H&C) sector, and is a fundamental step in the recognition of its key role in the overall EU climate and energy objectives. (more…)


Fuel Switch to Renewables in the Heating and Electricity Sectors

PUBLISHED: April 8, 2015

An action plan for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy. As a result of the recent crisis in Ukraine and the following geopolitical tensions with Russia, the issue of energy security is back to being a top priority for European leaders. Digging into data, Europe suddenly discovers that it is vulnerable to external shocks, it is the largest energy importer in the wo


Fuel Switch to Renewables in the Heating and Electricity Sectors

PUBLISHED: April 8, 2015

An action plan for a Resilient Energy Union with a Forward-Looking Climate Change Policy. As a result of the recent crisis in Ukraine and the following geopolitical tensions with Russia, the issue of energy security is back to being a top priority for European leaders. Digging into data, Europe suddenly discovers that it is vulnerable to external shocks, it is the largest energy importer in the wo


How to Become Number 1 in Renewables

PUBLISHED: March 8, 2015

The EU aims to become number one in renewables, according to European Commission’s President Juncker. Already a leader in both renewable electricity and heating and cooling, Europe now faces fierce global competition. (more…)


How to Become Number 1 in Renewables

PUBLISHED: March 8, 2015

The EU aims to become number one in renewables, according to European Commission’s President Juncker. Already a leader in both renewable electricity and heating and cooling, Europe now faces fierce global competition. (more…)


EGEC policy paper on the European Commission’s “Energy Roadmap 2050”

PUBLISHED: April 24, 2012

In December 2011 the European Commission published its Energy Roadmap 2050. The European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) promptly reacted to the publication of the Roadmap and welcomed the following main conclusions: (more…)

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