Search results for: cooling down

EGEC Position on the revision of the State Aid guidelines

PUBLISHED: July 18, 2019

The State Aid Guidelines on Energy and the Environment were initially release to adapt the rules on public support for the energy sector from a competition law perspective to reflect notably the framework of the 2020 EU Climate and Energy objectives. The purpose of this review is to put the State Aid framework in line with the 2030 Clean Energy for All European package, and reflect the changing


EGEC Position on the agenda of the next European Commission

PUBLISHED: July 16, 2019

One of the key issues of the current debate on the next European Commission regards the priorities that should shape its action over the next five years, the matter of ambition for the energy transition is at the foreground. (more…)


Geothermal energy consolidates its market uptake but much potential remains untapped

PUBLISHED: June 3, 2019

The EGEC Geothermal Market Report confirms the trend towards the steady growth observed in recent years, but also notes the need for greater recognition in order to enable the full deployment of geothermal energy in Europe. (more…)


Joint Position: Renewable energy associations’ joint messages on the draft National Energy and Climate Plans

PUBLISHED: May 23, 2019

Brussels, May 2019 - The Clean Energy Package sets a renewable energy target of at least 32% by 2030. For investors, this target is the minimum to keep momentum going in the fast-growing sector that is the renewable energy industry. Meeting this target is necessary for Europe to reap the economic benefits resulting from a clean and efficient energy system by 2050. This will strengthen Europea


Renewable, Energy Efficiency and Governance Directives voted by the European Parliament allow development of geothermal energy beyond 2020

PUBLISHED: November 13, 2018

EGEC welcomes the adoption of the Renewable Energy Directive, the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Governance Regulation by the European Parliament today. The new legislations will be the basis for the European climate and energy regulatory framework after 2020. While they do not quite point to the right level of ambition, they lay out a framework that allows the accelerated development of geot


EU consultation on long term decarbonisation – The limit of the energy system modelling considered

PUBLISHED: August 29, 2018

The European Commission launched a consultation to gather inputs on the strategy it should adopt to strive to the long term decarbonisation of the EU economy. (more…)


Press Release – DecarbHeat event during EUSEW

PUBLISHED: June 12, 2018

On Thursday 7 June 2018, the event “Heating & Cooling in Europe – How can we decarbonise the sector by 2050 and fulfil the Paris Agreement?” took place in the framework of the European Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels. (more…)


France, a European leader in geothermal energy

PUBLISHED: May 25, 2018

On Thursday 24th May, ENGIE Réseaux and the French Association for Renewables « le Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables » (SER), in cooperation with EGEC and the city of Villepinte, gathered to discuss the French objectives for geothermal energy in the framework of the “Programmation pluriannuelle de l’énergie géothermie (PPE)”, currently under discussion. The discussion also aimed to


Geothermal energy for EU islands

PUBLISHED: May 14, 2018

European islands often face significant challenges when it comes to energy supply and energy costs. Due to geographic location, small economies of scale, and limited or absent interconnection to the mainland or to other islands, many islands are still heavily dependent upon costly imported fossil fuels to generate electricity or to meet their heating and cooling needs. Unlike other intermittent e


Joint letter in support of EU Climate and Renewable energy Funding

PUBLISHED: April 3, 2018

The European Union is starting discussion on its next Multiannual Financial Framework, which governs how EU funding is allocated for the 6-years period after 2020. (more…)

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