Time for EU leaders to back up promised with action on climate change: Statement from the Coalition for Higher Ambition


  • PUBLISHED: April 22, 2016

As 150 countries sign the Paris agreement today in New York, a collation of renewable energy associations, businesses, cities, trade unions, and civil society groups join together to urge European leaders to take action on climate change, ensuring the agreements made at the COP21 are in harmony with EU climate targets.

We represent businesses, trade unions, local authorities and civil society organisations supporting a wide range of social and environmental outcomes. We have come together in an unprecedented grouping, to recognise that the Agreement struck in Paris in December 2015 is a turning point that requires the world to step up and raise its ambition to keep global temperature rise well below 2 degrees, as well as to pursue efforts towards 1.5 degrees. Group
European leadership helped deliver the Paris Agreement. As you set off to New York to Sign this agreement, we ask you to continue to show leadership by delivering ratification of the Paris agreement as soon as possible, and by working with the other countries to support their delivery of the agreement’s goals and obligations, thereby effecting enhanced climate diplomacy

Download the full statement (PDF)

[gview file=”https://www.egec.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Statement-from-the-Coalition-for-Higher-Ambition-20-April-2016.pdf”]

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